Martin Manullang

Computer Vision Researcher & Tech-savvy

Sistem Operasi Operating System (IF2223) | Martin Manullang

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Operating System (IF2223)

Course Schedule:

Important links:

About The Course


The course “Operating Systems” discusses operating systems comprehensively, including their functioning, modification, and process management in general. This course is divided into three main sections.

The first part of the course covers concurrency: how to manage multiple tasks running simultaneously and sharing resources. Topics in this section include processes and threads, context switching, synchronization, scheduling, and deadlock.

The second part of the course addresses memory management issues; this section will cover topics such as linking, dynamic memory allocation, dynamic address translation, virtual memory, and demand paging.

The third main part of the course focuses on file systems, including topics such as storage devices, disk management and scheduling, directories, protection, and crash recovery.

After these three main topics, the course will conclude with some smaller topics, such as virtual machines.

Learning Outcomes

Grade Distribution and Scale

A: >= 75 | AB: 70 - 74 | B: 65 - 69 | BC: 60 - 64 | C: 50 - 59 | D: 40 - 49 | E: < 40

Rounding: 0 decimal, 0.5 and above rounded up

  • Class Participation & Quiz: 20%
  • Assignment: 15%
  • Midterm Exam: 22.5%
  • Final Exam: 22.5%
  • Lab: 20%

Class Regulation

Please refers to this: Kontrak Kuliah Kelas MCT


Silberschatz, A., Gagne, G., & Galvin, P. B. (2018). Operating System Concepts, 10th Edition. Wiley.
Bos, Herbert, and Andrew S. Tanenbaum. Modern Operating Systems. Pearson, 2015.

Schedule and Materials

Slides and Lecturing Handouts

This schedule and deadline only applies to RB and RC

Week Topics Assignment Resources
1 Introduction   1. Techquickie - What is an Operating System as Fast As Possible
2. Crash Course - Operating System

(Gunakan cc Bahasa Indonesia jika diperlukan)
2 OS Architecture   Nero Academy - Operating System Services
3 Process    
4 Thread    
5 Process Scheduling    
6 Synchronization    
7 Mid Term Review    
8 Mid-Term Exam    
9 Deadlock    
10 Memory Management - 1    
11 Memory Management - 2    
12 Mass Storage    
13 I/O Devices    
14 File System    
15 End Semester Review    
16 Final Exam    


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