Martin Manullang

Computer Vision Researcher & Tech-savvy

Sistem / Teknologi Multimedia Multimedia Technology (IF4021) | Martin Manullang

Multimedia Technology Course

Multimedia Technology (IF4021)

Course Schedule:
Every Wednesday, 14:30 - 17:00 WIB

Important links:

Updates and Announcements

[2024/10/16]: Random assessment and blacklist.
[2024/09/05]: Student list has been updated in the gradebook system. Please contact the me directly if your name is not listed.
[2024/08/29]: Student list has been updated in the gradebook system. Please contact the teaching assistant if your name is not listed.
[2024/08/20]: Grading scale has been updated according to regulation in ITERA. Regarding to this, the grade distribution now has been adjusted to 100% caps from previously more than 100%.
[2024/07/05]: Welcome to Multimedia Technology Course! This page will be updated regularly with the course materials, schedule, and other important information. Please check this page regularly for updates.

1. Overview and Description

1.1 Course Description

Matakuliah ini membahas konsep-konsep data multimedia seperti data teks, suara, gambar, dan video, hingga menggabungkannya dalam satu kesatuan sistem multimedia terintegrasi. Konsep yang disampaikan dalam kuliah ini diperuntukan bagi mahasiswa yang ingin mendalami bidang multimedia secara ilmiah. Selain membahas konsep-konsep multimedia secara ilmiah, terdapat sisi praktisnya yaitu dalam penggunaan tools untuk memanipulasi data multimedia dan juga sistem multimedia terintegrasi yang sudah ada.

1.2 Learning Outcome

  1. Students are able to understand the basic concepts of multimedia
  2. Students are able to apply basic concepts of multimedia data to common problems
  3. Students are able to implement multimedia concepts using a program
  4. Students are able to design integrated multimedia systems

1.3. Pre-requisite


Do I allowed to use Colab? Yes, you could use Colab for the hands-on assignment. However, I would recommend using your local machine for the development. It’s better to get used to the local environment. But, if you have a problem with the local environment, you could use Colab.

1.4. Rules

1.5. Grade Distribution

Grading Scale

A: >= 75 | AB: 70 - 74 | B: 65 - 69 | BC: 60 - 64 | C: 50 - 59 | D: 40 - 49 | E: < 40

Rounding: 0 decimal, 0.5 and above rounded up
Skala penilaian mengacu kepada Dokumentasi Penjaminan Mutu ITERA

1.6. References

- Fundamentals of Multimedia, Third Edition, Li et al., Springer, 2021
- The Python Audio Cookbook: Recipes for Audio Scripting with Python, Alexandros Drymonitis, Focal Press, 2023
- Introduction to Digital Music with Python Programming: Learning Music with Code, Michael S. Horn,, Taylor&Francis Group, 2022
- Li ZN, Drew MS, Liu J. Fundamentals of multimedia. Upper Saddle River (NJ):: Pearson Prentice Hall; 2004.
- Havaldar P, Medioni G. Multimedia systems: algorithms, standards, and industry practices. Course Technology Press; 2009.

2. Schedule and Materials

Week L.O. Topics Assignments / Grading Resources
1 1 Course Logistics
Introduction to Multimedia and Concepts
Course Contract IDE Setup
2,3,4 1,2,3 Audio Processing H.O.1
Deadline: 10/04 , 23.59 WIB
1. What is fourier transform
2. What is sound?
5,6 1,2,3 Image Processing H.O.2
Deadline: 11/01, 23.59 WIB
Youtube 1
Youtube 2
7   Mid-Term Week Mid-Term Exam
Deadline: 16 Oct, 23.59 WIB
8,9 2,3 Video Processing : Face Detection and Tracking H.O.3
Deadline: 11/29, 23.59 WIB
10 3,4 Case Study: Measuring Respiration Signal from Video    

Final Project

3. Whistleblower

Jika anda merasa perlu untuk mengirimkan / menginformasikan sesuatu kepada saya secara rahasia tanpa mengungkap identitas anda, silahkan ikuti panduan yang ada pada tautan berikut ini.

Anda tidak perlu memasukkan nama atau menggunakan akun/login untuk dapat mengirimkan pesan tersebut. Pesan whistleblower dapat digunakan untuk: